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Welcome to the AntipodeanSF Radio Show, hosted by the editor of AntipodeanSF, Ion Newcombe, aka "Nuke" or "The Jollyfish". Ion selects the best in speculative flash fiction for these shows, with stories often narrated by the authors themselves. 

Listen in weekly to a show devoted to the presentation of flash speculative fiction stories (science fiction, fantasy, and horror).

The AntiSF Radio show also features discussions and panel presentations recorded at various speculative fiction conventions and awards ceremonies.

AntiSF is where speculative flash fiction belongs - downside up!


Aug 11, 2018

In This Show:

  • Conflux Panel - Australian Cities as Fictional Settings - Madeleine D'Este, Felicity Banks, Kathryn Gossow, and Dion Perry - part 2
  • Belted About - by Kevin J. Phyland - synth
  • Non-Zero - by Lynette Frey

Greetings and felicitations fellow listeners, for this is the AntipodeanSF Radio Show Agricola, named in honour of Finnish clergyman Mikael Agricola (c. 1510–1557), bishop and reformer of Finland, often called "father of Finnish literature".

Creative Commons License
AntipodeanSF Radio Show by Ion Newcombe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at


Dance Flower Bowling Ball by Maladellix is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.

Return To Zero by PC-ONE is licensed under a Attribution License.
Based on a work at

Intro & Outro Music

Celestial Navigation by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.