Jul 20, 2013
Howdy folks and others, I'm Nuke your host and editor. One of the best things about having edited AntipodeanSF for such a long time is seeing authors travel on to bigger and better things. In this show, two regular contributors (especially in times past) have collaborated to create a special story exclusively for publication at AntiSF — and they have done this just "for the love" of AntiSF.
Thanks Jason and Martin. Each of you has amassed an impressive list of publication credits, and all of us really appreciate you coming back home to make such a fine contribution to the ongoing project that is AntiSF.
Art, Ink, isn't flash fiction, it's a short story. And take heed. There's more than a grain of truth within. Yes, well, for me at least, suspension of disbelief is what it's all about. Let's see if that's true for you too.
AntipodeanSF Radio Show by Ion
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