Jul 16, 2016
Greetings. Welcome to Hydra A, a radio source that sits in a galaxy near the centre of the cluster with the very same name. No mucking about, no growing extra appendages. Let's hit the stories right here on the AntipodeanSF Radio Show number 166.
AntipodeanSF Radio Show by Ion Newcombe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0
Unported License.
Based on a work at www.antisf.com.au.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
Gregoire Lourme - Cinematic Volumes 1 to 8 - jamendo.com Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA
Contact 2016 Team - Permission to take and reproduce various Panel Audio Recordings