Sep 3, 2016
Nuke by name, but not necessarily nuke by nature unless I'm on the dance floor. Howdy and hey, it's the AntipodeanSF Radio Show McLeish's Object, named after Astronomer David McLeish. This beauty has massive arms that reach right into the core, and I'm here to bring you some spec-fic flash fiction that reaches right along your arms and into to your core. Two Antipodean stories, and some British — Rivers of London — Ben Aaronovitch on the spot.
AntipodeanSF Radio Show by Ion Newcombe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0
Unported License.
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Gregoire Lourme - Cinematic Volumes 1 to 8 - Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA
Contact 2016 Team - Permission to take and reproduce various Panel Audio Recordings