Nov 6, 2012
Eight rotations of the Earth on its axis. The AntiSF Radio show is just a little unsynchronised. Despite this, and through the drought, the stories win through. Hi, I'm Nuke, your host and editor, and this is the AntiSF Radio Show 172, featuring all of the stories from AntipodeanSF issue 172, plus some.
Stick with me now while we visit a porcelain battleground, pay for our wrongs under the full moon, suffer from the grass is greener syndrome over and over and over, have a bit of an astronomical accident, underestimate cuteness, realise that change is a balance, and get just a little bit too comfortable.
Difficult Links to say:
Julie Wornan's ebook "The Mutual Reverse See":
Julie's Photos:
AntipodeanSF Radio Show by Ion
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