Jul 28, 2011
Here 'tis for all flashers, speculative fiction that is...
The AntiSF Radio Show Issue 157 Delta includes three stories
from the pages of AntipodeanSF:
"The Succession" by David Scholes
"Linda's Boat" by David McVeigh
"Captive" by Claire Lockyer
Also in this show you'll hear a fine reading of a classic...
Jul 24, 2011
And another show eats dust, most of it from the interplanetary medium. Here's the latest radio show, direct to you, including two stories from the current issue:
"The Alien Menagerie" by Darren Lipnicki
"Feathers" by Paul Sheringham
You'll also hear a review of "Groundhog Day". No. Scratch that. "Source Code" from our...
Jul 15, 2011
There are no black holes like the ones at AntiSF. Here's the weekly radio show, 157 Beta, the second to feature stories from our July edition online, right out of the heart of our singularity. You'll hear:
"Serendipity" by Richard Baldasty.
"Scorched Earth Policy" by Sergio Palumbo
"Making The Best..." by Shaun A....
Jul 7, 2011
Blast off without a shuttle on the latest AntiSF Radio Show,
designated 157 Alpha.
This show features two recent-release stories by Antipodean
authors, narrated by the authors.
"Time" by Rachel Towns
"The Experience" by Stuart Bennington
In "Flashback", from Issue 7 in September 1998 is:
"Trojans" by Rob...