Jun 25, 2016
Here, take this tube. Feed it wherever you need it. Bonsoir, for it is evening here, although it may not be there, I'm Nuke, this dodgy little show's editor and presenter. No — don't stick the tube in me. Let's just leave the tubes aside, even if we are all based on that very same design. It's time for Hercules,...
Jun 18, 2016
G'day and Howdy, and welcome to the AntipodeanSF Radio Show Helix. Hold it right there. I don't mean that delicious and colourful planetary nebula. I'm talking galaxy here, and it's a strange one in the constellation Ursa Major. We're talking polar ring galaxy aka the Pancake, but not in the kitchen Galaxy....
Jun 11, 2016
Welcome all folk far, fair, and friendly, this is the AntiSF Radio Show Hardcastle. Nebula, that is, glowing away in Centaurus, and giving us a name for this show. Numbers are okay, and if you want one of those then it's show 161. I'm also duty bound by more than numbers to say that I'm Nuke, your host and editor, and...
Jun 4, 2016
Hey, as they say on Real Humans, greetings and felicitations. Thanks for joining me. I'm Nuke, editor of AntipodeanSF and the source of the voice that emerges from my own particular set of genetic characteristics. Here's the AntipodeanSF Radio Show GR8, to put it in the International phonetic alphabet, Golf Romeo...